Individual Therapy and Specialized Trauma Services

Below are three different types of therapies that are most commonly used in my practice, as well as the most common types of trauma I treat. Most often a session will incorporate multiple types of therapies, entirely based on your needs and comfort. If I’m seeing you for a trauma related issue, you may have experienced multiple types of trauma, and we will treat whatever you wish to work on. Feel free to check out each type of therapy or type of trauma to learn more!

  • Mindfulness Based Therapy

    Therapy designed to help you connect to the present moment and learn to stop judging your thoughts and feelings

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)

    Therapy designed to help you move past upsetting experiences by using the brain’s natural ability to heal itself

  • Parts Work (Internal Family Systems)

    Therapy designed to help you connect to all the different parts of yourself and experience a greater sense of well-being

  • Childhood Trauma

    Therapy designed to address past hurts from childhood and adolescence

  • Relationship Trauma

    Therapy designed to address the trauma that can happen in romantic relationships

  • Religious Trauma

    Therapy designed to address trauma that can occur when religion hurts instead of helps

 Want to know more about how individual therapy or specialized trauma services can help you?